What We Love

The Most Enjoyable Adventure

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What We Want

A Wonderful Gift From Nature

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Enjoy The Best Experience

We believe in the power of words and the strength in our collective stories. 

With the rise in digital communication, personal connection is at an all-time low.

The Collective Chronicles is our small-scale, heart-felt attempt to return to that which we can touch, starting with a pen and paper. 

How it Works

The Books

There are 10 books in circulation: The first books were placed strategically and  anonymously in the following cities: Lopez Island, WA, Seattle, WA,  Portland, OR, Yucca Valley, CA, Las Vegas, NV, New York, NY and Austin, TX

The Writers

The book is an invitation to connect, with the anonymous stories written within its pages, with yourself and your own story, and those who have yet to cross paths with the Collective Chronicles. As the book journeys around the US, our hope is that it helps you reconnect, both with yourself and the world around you. 

Keeping Track

As a way to track the journey of each book, we’ve set up an optional, anonymous tracking system with optional opt-ins for updates. 

Full Circle

When participating in something experiential, one of the most important aspects is to remain open. Which is why we currently have no plans for the books once they are returned. But we do hope

Our Services


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Long Walks

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Sport Events

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Travel Timeline

Enjoy The Best Experience with Us

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